questions from a new bzr user

Ramon Diaz-Uriarte rdiaz02 at
Fri May 5 19:19:04 BST 2006

On 5/5/06, Matthieu Moy <Matthieu.Moy at> wrote:
> Ramon Diaz-Uriarte wrote:
> > 1. I have a "central repository" in a server, and then do my work on,
> > say, a laptop. Other colleagues might be doing the same. Now, I'd like
> > to store my changes in the server. As my colleagues might have been
> > editing the same files, I use merge, not push. However, to use merge I
> > need to log into the server, and do a merge from there. Is there a way
> > to do the merge (going from my laptop to the server) issuing the
> > command from my laptop?
> As others have pointed out, checkouts are the simplest solution (and
> commit --local is also something great).
> I just wanted to mention that checkouts are just a way to automate what
> you could have done manually :
> Say, you have a branch on a server S, and a working branch W. To write
> to S, you need to use "push", which only works if the branch haven't
> diverged, (i.e the last revision of S is an ancestor of W IIRC). If
> someone else pushed to S, you'll need merge, but you can do the merge
> from S to W. Then you have a convergence of your branches, and you can
> use push again. The result should be the same as merging directly to S
> and then pulling to W.

Thanks a lot. That explanation actually sheds a lot of light on what
the checkout-based operations are doing!


> --
> Matthieu

Ramon Diaz-Uriarte
Bioinformatics Unit
Spanish National Cancer Centre (CNIO)

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