Public Impressions
Lalo Martins
lalo.martins at
Fri May 5 15:32:22 BST 2006
On Fri, 05 May 2006 09:12:50 -0500, John Arbash Meinel wrote:
> Under what circumstance is sftp not working? Are you saying it doesn't
> work when getting from another machine, or is sftp access to the local
> machine failing?
Well, it only got annoying enough today, so I was reserving some time next
week to debug and report it :-)
I have paramiko and pycrypto installed and tested on my windows python;
and bzr doesn't complain that it needs paramiko. But when I try a branch
url with sftp:// it gives me an error message that sounds like it's trying
to use the url as a local filename. I don't know what exactly is
happening... I'll tell you Monday.
> What sftp server are you using? I would be interested in figuring out
> what isn't working for you and how to get it working again.
That's openssh on the company's linux-based server.
> As for Window's crappy shell, you might try rxvt that comes with cygwin.
I use Putty, there's a patch somewhere for it to act as a cygwin terminal.
But some console apps are unhappy about it, and open a new (windows)
console box when I run them. Notably, Django :-/
It's not the only reason though... Windows emacs is too full of
idiosyncrasies for my liking... and cygwin emacs is too slow. Running
Apache on windows is reportedly not too hard, but it's not something I
want to invest time on learning, since it's just a secondary tool for my
job. And the list goes on.
> I found a bug in how bzr handles the executable bit, but it
> generally gets things right.
Oh yeah, I forgot that one. Everytime I merge from windows to a real OS,
bzr complains that I changed the permissions of all files in the tree :-/
I'm getting around that one more or less decently now, by pushing my
branch with cygwin's rsync. (I don't know what magic it does, but it
doesn't throw my perms on the blender.)
Lalo Martins
So many of our dreams at first seem impossible,
then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they
soon become inevitable.
personal: technical: GNU: never give up
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