[MERGE] pybaz: sanitize patch logs for more tla quirks

David Allouche david at allouche.net
Wed May 3 15:55:48 BST 2006

Martin, can you read the thread leading to this message and give your
opinion on that particular problem?

In short, Arch patchlog headers are not reliable, the current pybaz
implementation cannot parse a log with some invalid headers and has
undefined behaviour when multiple headers have the same name.

Robert proposed a simple patch that fixes the the "cannot parse"
problem, but I am concerned that the undefined behaviour can lead to
inconsistent baz imports (and all the bad things that can happen when
you have different revisions with the same revision id), and that
Robert's patch would aggravate the problem.

I would like you to say whether you think Robert's patch is good enough
(and then I will stop worrying about data integrity) or if we need to be
more cautious, and to what degree (the extreme case involves looking at
the implementation of the email parser in multiple Python version).

Thank you.
                                                            -- ddaa
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