[PATCH] knit pushing with ftp transport

Alexandre Saint stalst at gmail.com
Mon May 1 18:57:10 BST 2006

On Mon, May 01, 2006 at 09:56:20AM -0500, John Arbash Meinel wrote:
> Looks pretty good. One issue is that you have embedded tab characters,
> rather than only whitespace. PEP8 says space characters only.
Pep8'ified the patch.

> We try to have a single line summary at the beginning. Something like:
> """Try repeatedly to append the given text to the file at relpath.
> More information here.
> """

Ok. Better documented now.

> > +        try:
> > +            abspath = self._abspath(relpath)
> > +            mutter("FTP appe to %s" % abspath)
> mutter() and all of the logging/debug functions are designed to take a
> list of arguments, and format the string. Also, since this is in the
> recursive portion, I would do:
> mutter("FTP appe (%d) to %s", retries, abspath)
> I do believe warning() should be done the same:
> warning("FTP temporary error: %s. Retrying.", str(e))
> This is a small performance issue. Technically mutter() may not do
> anything if the debug level isn't low enough. And in that case it
> doesn't need to take the time to format the string, also it helps to
> catch UnicodeErrors, since they happen inside mutter() instead of inside
> your own code.

Adapted all mutter() and warning() calls throughout ftp.py, in this patch.

> +1 with a couple of fixes. Someone else needs to review it before it can
> be merged, and somehow I managed to upset the pqm so it isn't able to
> merge from me right now. So someone else needs to submit it anyway.
> John
> =:->

Thanks, John :).

So seeking +1 from other people, now. :)

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=== modified file 'a/bzrlib/transport/ftp.py'
--- a/bzrlib/transport/ftp.py	
+++ b/bzrlib/transport/ftp.py	
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
     """Find an ftplib.FTP instance attached to this triplet."""
     key = "%s|%s|%s|%s" % (hostname, username, password, is_active)
     if key not in _FTP_cache:
-        mutter("Constructing FTP instance against %r" % key)
+        mutter("Constructing FTP instance against %r", key)
         _FTP_cache[key] = ftplib.FTP(hostname, username, password)
         _FTP_cache[key].set_pasv(not is_active)
     return _FTP_cache[key]    
@@ -173,10 +173,10 @@
             f = self._get_FTP()
             s = f.size(self._abspath(relpath))
-            mutter("FTP has: %s" % self._abspath(relpath))
+            mutter("FTP has: %s", self._abspath(relpath))
             return True
         except ftplib.error_perm:
-            mutter("FTP has not: %s" % self._abspath(relpath))
+            mutter("FTP has not: %s", self._abspath(relpath))
             return False
     def get(self, relpath, decode=False, retries=0):
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@
         # TODO: decode should be deprecated
-            mutter("FTP get: %s" % self._abspath(relpath))
+            mutter("FTP get: %s", self._abspath(relpath))
             f = self._get_FTP()
             ret = StringIO()
             f.retrbinary('RETR '+self._abspath(relpath), ret.write, 8192)
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@
                                      % self.abspath(relpath),
-                warning("FTP temporary error: %s. Retrying." % str(e))
+                warning("FTP temporary error: %s. Retrying.", str(e))
                 self._FTP_instance = None
                 return self.get(relpath, decode, retries+1)
         except EOFError, e:
@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@
         if not hasattr(fp, 'read'):
             fp = StringIO(fp)
-            mutter("FTP put: %s" % self._abspath(relpath))
+            mutter("FTP put: %s", self._abspath(relpath))
             f = self._get_FTP()
                 f.storbinary('STOR '+tmp_abspath, fp)
@@ -244,8 +244,8 @@
-                    warning("Failed to delete temporary file on the server.\nFile: %s"
-                            % tmp_abspath)
+                    warning("Failed to delete temporary file on the" \
+                            "server.\nFile: %s", tmp_abspath)
                     raise e
         except ftplib.error_perm, e:
@@ -259,7 +259,7 @@
                 raise TransportError("FTP temporary error during PUT %s. Aborting."
                                      % self.abspath(relpath), orig_error=e)
-                warning("FTP temporary error: %s. Retrying." % str(e))
+                warning("FTP temporary error: %s. Retrying.", str(e))
                 self._FTP_instance = None
                 self.put(relpath, fp, mode, retries+1)
         except EOFError:
@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@
     def mkdir(self, relpath, mode=None):
         """Create a directory at the given path."""
-            mutter("FTP mkd: %s" % self._abspath(relpath))
+            mutter("FTP mkd: %s", self._abspath(relpath))
             f = self._get_FTP()
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@
     def rmdir(self, rel_path):
         """Delete the directory at rel_path"""
-            mutter("FTP rmd: %s" % self._abspath(rel_path))
+            mutter("FTP rmd: %s", self._abspath(rel_path))
             f = self._get_FTP()
@@ -303,11 +303,67 @@
                 raise TransportError(msg="Cannot remove directory at %s" % \
                         self._abspath(rel_path), extra=str(e))
-    def append(self, relpath, f):
+    def append(self, relpath, f, mode=None):
         """Append the text in the file-like object into the final
-        raise TransportNotPossible('ftp does not support append()')
+        if self.has(relpath):
+            ftp = self._get_FTP()
+            result = ftp.size(self._abspath(relpath))
+        else:
+            result = 0
+        mutter("FTP appe to %s", self._abspath(relpath))
+        self._try_append(relpath, f.read(), mode)
+        return result
+    def _try_append(self, relpath, text, mode=None, retries=0):
+        """Try repeatedly to append the given text to the file at relpath.
+        This is a recursive function. On errors, it will be called until the
+        number of retries is exceeded.
+        """
+        try:
+            abspath = self._abspath(relpath)
+            mutter("FTP appe (try %d) to %s", retries, abspath)
+            ftp = self._get_FTP()
+            ftp.voidcmd("TYPE I")
+            cmd = "APPE %s" % abspath
+            conn = ftp.transfercmd(cmd)
+            conn.sendall(text)
+            conn.close()
+            if mode is not None:
+                self._setmode(relpath, mode)
+            ftp.getresp()
+        except ftplib.error_perm, e:
+            FtpTransportError("Error appending data to %s" % abspath,
+                    orig_error=e)
+        except ftplib.error_temp, e:
+            if retries > _number_of_retries:
+                raise TransportError("FTP temporary error during APPEND %s." \
+                        "Aborting." % abspath, orig_error=e)
+            else:
+                warning("FTP temporary error: %s. Retrying.", str(e))
+                self._FTP_instance = None
+                self._try_append(relpath, text, mode, retries+1)
+    def _setmode(self, relpath, mode):
+        """Set permissions on a path.
+        Only set permissions if the FTP server supports the 'SITE CHMOD'
+        extension.
+        """
+        try:
+            mutter("FTP site chmod: setting permissions to %s on %s",
+                str(mode), self._abspath(relpath))
+            ftp = self._get_FTP()
+            cmd = "SITE CHMOD %s %s" % (self._abspath(relpath), str(mode))
+            ftp.sendcmd(cmd)
+        except ftplib.error_perm, e:
+            # Command probably not available on this server
+            warning("FTP Could not set permissions to %s on %s. %s",
+                    str(mode), self._abspath(relpath), str(e))
     def copy(self, rel_from, rel_to):
         """Copy the item at rel_from to the location at rel_to"""
@@ -316,8 +372,8 @@
     def move(self, rel_from, rel_to):
         """Move the item at rel_from to the location at rel_to"""
-            mutter("FTP mv: %s => %s" % (self._abspath(rel_from),
-                                         self._abspath(rel_to)))
+            mutter("FTP mv: %s => %s", self._abspath(rel_from),
+                                       self._abspath(rel_to))
             f = self._get_FTP()
             f.rename(self._abspath(rel_from), self._abspath(rel_to))
         except ftplib.error_perm, e:
@@ -328,7 +384,7 @@
     def delete(self, relpath):
         """Delete the item at relpath"""
-            mutter("FTP rm: %s" % self._abspath(relpath))
+            mutter("FTP rm: %s", self._abspath(relpath))
             f = self._get_FTP()
         except ftplib.error_perm, e:
@@ -344,14 +400,15 @@
     def list_dir(self, relpath):
         """See Transport.list_dir."""
-            mutter("FTP nlst: %s" % self._abspath(relpath))
+            mutter("FTP nlst: %s", self._abspath(relpath))
             f = self._get_FTP()
             basepath = self._abspath(relpath)
-            # FTP.nlst returns paths prefixed by relpath, strip 'em
-            the_list = f.nlst(basepath)
-            stripped = [path[len(basepath)+1:] for path in the_list]
+            paths = f.nlst(basepath)
+            # If FTP.nlst returns paths prefixed by relpath, strip 'em
+            if paths[0].startswith(basepath):
+                paths = [path[len(basepath)+1:] for path in paths]
             # Remove . and .. if present, and return
-            return [path for path in stripped if path not in (".", "..")]
+            return [path for path in paths if path not in (".", "..")]
         except ftplib.error_perm, e:
             raise TransportError(orig_error=e)
@@ -374,7 +431,7 @@
         """Return the stat information for a file.
-            mutter("FTP stat: %s" % self._abspath(relpath))
+            mutter("FTP stat: %s", self._abspath(relpath))
             f = self._get_FTP()
             return FtpStatResult(f, self._abspath(relpath))
         except ftplib.error_perm, e:

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