tree transform is malformed ??

Robert Collins robertc at
Mon May 1 06:41:36 BST 2006

On Mon, 2006-05-01 at 00:37 -0400, Aaron Bentley wrote:
> Aaron Bentley wrote:
> > Robert Collins wrote:
> > 
> >> 0.8$ bzr checkout
> >> bzr: ERROR: Tree transform is malformed [('duplicate', 'new-2',
> >> 'new-330', u'.rsyncexclude')]
> >>
> >> What does this represent ?
> > 
> > 
> > This is a conflict.  It means the transform is trying to create a 
> > situation in which there are two files with the same name.
> > 
> > The most likely cause is doing a checkout in directory that already has 
> > a .rsyncexclude in it.
> build_tree was built on the assumption that the target directory was 
> empty, and it would not make sense to do conflict resolution if that 
> were the case.  Apparent conflicts would actually be programming errors, 
> and doing conflict resolution would mask them.
> So when you posted your patch to make checkout work in non-empty 
> directories, I vetoed it, because it didn't update build_tree to do 
> conflict resolution.
> I don't think we should release with checkout in this state; either you 
> should revert your patch to permit checkouts in non-empty directories, 
> or you should update build_tree to do conflict resolution.

You've hit the nail on the head. That is indeed the case, because I
hadn't properly cleaned the tree.

So, conflict wise, how about the checkout does a merge from the Tree on
disk to the RevisionTree being constructed ?


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