Tiny problem with knits and http (double-encoding?)

Martin Pool mbp at sourcefrog.net
Mon May 1 01:42:48 BST 2006

On 29 Apr 2006, John Arbash Meinel <john at arbash-meinel.com> wrote:

> And if I click on the link, it tries to take me to:
> http://lalo.revisioncontrol.net/bzr/vos/.bzr/repository/knits/9b/%254dakefile.am-20060328145850-abc9b80cb43dfb63.kndx
> However, your server seems to be double unescaping this to translate:
> %254d => M (%25=>%, and %4d=> M)

Interesting - perhaps this sort of bug is a reason to avoid
anything that could cause double escaping in future?  (ie we should have
used some other character, not %, to mark our escapes, leaving that for

Although this particular bug is fixed, it may be the kind of thing that
tends to provoke bugs in other software.


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