pre-commit hooks and $Id$ banners?

Igor Goryachev igor at
Sun Apr 23 12:29:20 BST 2006

On 23 Apr 2006, Jamie Wilkinson wrote:

>> Are there any plans on implementing pre-commit hooks? How could I
>> help with that?
>> And is it possible (and how better?) to implement banners $Id$,
>> $Revision$ support like in CVS or Subversion? I do really need this
>> because I work with specific OTP software which handles this stuff
>> and acts somehow according to it.
> I hope not, I've always detested revision control software that
> modifies the code after it's been committed.

Have you meant _before_ the commit?

> However, you could probably do something like it with a pre-commit
> hook :)

Well, That should be really nice if there were pre-commit hooks
support. :)

    Igor Goryachev              E-Mail/Jabber: igor at

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