problems with an arch-converted repo under cygwin

John Arbash Meinel john at
Fri Apr 21 01:25:47 BST 2006

Aaron Bentley wrote:
> John Arbash Meinel wrote:
> | Now, this only works if "sftp://other/path" is a metadir or knit
> | repository.
> The branch in question appears to be a pre-metadir branch.
> | And with the latest code, you should be able to upgrade a remote branch,
> | at least from 0.7 format to metadir. (bzr upgrade --format=metadir
> | sftp://...)
> That isn't practical in this case.
> Aaron

Well, upgrading to metadir is pretty cheap, since it just renames files
around. (upgrading to knit is much more expensive).

And certainly if it is someone else's branch, or if it is shared and you
want to keep compatibility...

That is just the way I was doing it, because I didn't know about the
init + pull stuff.

I think 'bzr branch' should always take the target repository format.
But barring that, we should add a --format= to bzr branch so that you
can force it to do what you want. Or maybe just 'bzr branch --upgrade'.
Right now the source has to be upgraded to at least metadir, and then it
will let you put it into whatever sort of local repository you have.


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