Introductory Document For New Developers

Declan McGrath declan.mcgrath at
Sat Apr 15 07:44:33 BST 2006


The amount of documentation available on using Bazaar through the wiki 
is great. I especially like the Bzr Glossary. I tried to send this 
message last week, but I think that my mail clients having a bit of
trouble so apologies if you've this is the second time it's posted. 
I've just updated that 'Introductory Developer' document and
stuck it on the wiki at

Just a few questions. I'm trying to write up a piece on getting the latest
'development' copy of Bazaar. I have a few queries. On the official 
downloads page it says

> Development
> Devel Branch rsync -av . (Tree is out of date; use revert or checkout to get a WorkingTree)
> Devel Branch bzr branch [WWW] 

1. Will running either of these commands bring down the same code base?
The comment "(Tree is out of date; use revert or checkout to get a
WorkingTree)" makes it sound as if this link is outdated - what does
this comment mean?

2. The local directory '.' at the end of the rsync command completely
(and frustratingly) eluded me. Would it be ok to quote the command so
that it's obvious that the '.' is part of the command, not part of the
sentence, for example 
'rsync -av .'

3. When I managed to rsync down this directory, I looked in the README
file, whose first line reads 'Release notes for Bazaar-NG 0.6'. This is
confusing as the stable tarball release is 0.7. Why is the stable
tarball 0.1 ahead of the development version?

4. Would it be possible to also include a nightly build as a tarball of
the latest development copy (let's say a developer just wants to see the
latest code that builds but doesn't have bzr already installed and
doesn't have or know about rsync). I think it would be nice as it is a
familiar way of obtaining code for *NIX developers.


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