How do you divide a repository?

Erik Bågfors zindar at
Fri Apr 14 19:21:21 BST 2006

Do you really mean repository? Or branch?

If you mean repository, you can simply do this
bzr init-repo newrepo1
bzr init-repo newrepo2

bzr branch oldrepo/branch1 newrepo1/branch1
bzr branch oldrepo/branch2 newrepo1/branch2
bzr branch oldrepo/branch3 newrepo2/branch3


If you want to split a branch, someone else has to answer, because I don't know.


2006/4/14, Joris Putcuyps <joris.putcuyps at>:
> Hello
> Is there a way to devide a big repository into parts and keep the history?
> Joris

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