[win32] bzr.dev r1599 selftest result on win32

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Tue Apr 4 03:26:15 BST 2006

On Sat, 2006-03-25 at 13:45 +0200, Alexander Belchenko wrote:
> I want to share result of selftest on my windows machine for fresh copy 
> of bzr.dev r1599 (I do export to fresh directory and then run selftest):
> Ran 1771 tests in 545.516s
> FAILED (failures=28, errors=147)
> During selftest I have multiple errors related to locks:
> E:\work\Python\bzr\bzr.dev-test>python bzr selftest -v > test.log
> running tests...
> E:\work\Python\bzr\bzr.dev-test\bzrlib\transport\ftp.py:392: 
> UserWarning: There are no FTP transport provider tests yet.
>    warn("There are no FTP transport provider tests yet.")
> E:\work\Python\bzr\bzr.dev-test\bzrlib\lock.py:62: UserWarning: lock on 
> <open file 
> u'E:/work/Python/bzr/bzr.dev-test/test0000.tmp/interrepository_implementations.test_interrepository.TestInterRepository.test_fetch_missing_revision_same_location_fails(InterRepository)/.bzr/branch-lock',mode 
> 'wb' at 0x0289D3C8> not released
>    warn("lock on %r not released" % self.f)

if you can debug this a little it would be great.

> Deleting of test0000.tmp directory also fails because of unicode 
> filenames in it (it is regression since bzr 0.7).

Did 0.7 have unicode filenames, or has the removal ability regressed ?

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