Suggested changes for BzrForCVSUsers

Martin Pool mbp at
Mon Apr 3 06:04:55 BST 2006

On 30 Mar 2006, at 05:05 , Wayne Davison wrote:

> Some changes I'd like to see for 
> BzrForCVSUsers :
> The "Seeing how a working tree has changed since the last commit"
> section talks about the "cvs status" command, but that command is
> usually avoided due to its verbosity.  I'd suggest mentioning both
> "cvs status" and "cvs -n update" as the relevant cvs commands, and
> mentioning that the latter has a more similar output format to the
> "bzr status" command.
> Also, both "cvs status" and "cvs -n update" show both the modified
> status of the files and the needs-update status.  The above section
> should at least mention that "bzr status" only shows the status of
> local changes, and that "bzr missing" is used to display the status
> of remote repository changes.

Thanks - I have changed this but if you log in on the wiki then you  
can add more details yourself.  There is a Moin bug pointing out that  
it is very unclear when a wiki is "registration required" rather than  
not publicly readable.

This also suggests it would be nice to have e.g. "bzr pull --dry- 
run" (and merge, update, etc) to get closer to the cvs behaviour of  
showing which files will be updated:

Martin Pool

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