With TreeTransform bzr revert after uncommit causes conflicts with reverted files.

James Blackwell jblack at merconline.com
Thu Feb 23 12:59:52 GMT 2006

On Tue, Feb 21, 2006 at 05:09:13PM -0600, John A Meinel wrote:
> I don't ever use the backup files. But to me a foo~ file is meant to
> say, give me a single version safety net. So if I *just* did something
> bad, I can fix it.
> It isn't meant to be a 'I never want to lose anything' system.

I've never used backup files either. I can imagine not using it for a
year, typing "revert" in the wrong tty. At that particular moment, I think
I'd like them a lot.

> Do other people have a feeling about this? I would like to see us not
> create more and more backup files.

> So to me, overwriting foo~ is okay.


> What is the use case for having the backup file? Just because 'bzr
> revert' is a lossy command, and without backups you might accidentally
> lose something you didn't want?

> What if we create a config entry for this? Because I think both Aaron
> and myself would like to disable it.
+1 with a thought

I imagine the problem isn't whether or not backup files exist. They're the
sort of thing that is usually just a minor annoyance created when one
intentionally wanted to throw things away. Every once in a while, its an
accidental revert or some other bad behaviour. I think the problem with
backup files are that they're "in yo' face".

What if backup files were stowed in $TREE_ROOT/backup~/ with a
equivilant directory structure to $TREE_ROOT as necessary to organize the
backup files.

My home page:   <a href="http://jblack.linuxguru.net">James Blackwell</a>
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