PQM suggestion

Matthieu Moy Matthieu.Moy at imag.fr
Mon Feb 20 09:27:13 GMT 2006


It seems bzr.dev is now using the PQM. The last revisions show

$ bzr log --short -r -5..
 1531 Canonical.com Patch Queue Manager 2006-02-20
      Merge push/pull and branching within repositories bugfix.

 1530 Canonical.com Patch Queue Manager 2006-02-19
      Remove unused patches/ directory.

 1529 Canonical.com Patch Queue Manager 2006-02-18
      Merge Robert Collins integration.

 1528 Martin Pool       2006-02-02
      [merge] land Robert's branch-formats branch

 1527 Martin Pool       2006-02-01
      Improved help text for bzr selftest

Actually, I don't find the commiter ID very informative ... Would it
be possible to have the PQM set its commiter ID depending on the
person who sent the merge request, to get something like

 1531 Martin Pool (through Canonical.com PQM) 2006-02-20
      Merge push/pull and branching within repositories bugfix.

 1530 Whoever else (through Canonical.com PQM) 2006-02-19
      Remove unused patches/ directory.



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