[bug] Repository.copy() copies inventory first

John A Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Fri Feb 17 04:14:04 GMT 2006

Robert Collins wrote:
> On Thu, 2006-02-16 at 20:01 -0600, John A Meinel wrote:


>> I wasn't planning on passing the inventory copy, because it is only
>> copying a single file ('inventory.weave').
>> Instead I figured it was better to give a specialized update which made
>> it clear what was being copied.
> Seems to me that transports like SFTP can provide 
> [========           ] 'copy inventory' 150/400
> indicators. Inventory.weave tends to get very big, and I'd expect  some
> ui feedback during that to be nice.

That would be wonderful. But the information just isn't available.
'copy_multi' code only knows that it is copying a list of ids, it
doesn't know how big any of them are. And SFTP doesn't know to put a
progress in the case that something is bigger than X bytes.

Now, Repository might have an idea that inventory.weave is going to be
big, but how does it explain that down deep into the
LocalTransport.put(SFTPTransport.get()) call?

I suppose this is just a general communication question, and how you
transfer information between layers.


> Yup. +1.
> Rob

Merged revno 1538.


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