bzr-dir phase 2 and checkouts merged [to integration].

John A Meinel john at
Wed Feb 15 22:16:09 GMT 2006

Robert Collins wrote:
> On Wed, 2006-02-15 at 15:57 -0600, John A Meinel wrote:
>> I'm going to make the change and commit it on my branch, since it looks
>> more like a typo than anything. But I wanted to bring it up in case I
>> misunderstood the test.
> You wrote the test!
> +1, +2 if you can figure out how to make it break on my system (umask
> 022)
> Rob

I would say we just need to test the opposite umask. Instead of using
chmod 0755 use 0775, which would have the opposite mask. I'm guessing
even better would be using 0777, since almost no-one ever uses umask 0000.

I'll write one more test which does that.


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