random thought of the day - a progress bar for tree transforms ?

Robey Pointer robey at lag.net
Wed Feb 15 01:08:06 GMT 2006

On 14 Feb 2006, at 8:57, Aaron Bentley wrote:

> On the plus side, we all seem to agree that nested progress bars would
> be nice.  On the minus side, no one's actually done it yet...

Since there was a tiny bit of usefulness to come out of my playing  
around this morning, I'm attaching it.

This makes progress bar width-detection work again on posix (it was  
always dropping to the default of 80 columns on my ibook) and renames  
the "copy_to" bar to "copy" ("copy_to" is inscrutable to users,  
including me).

The patch is against Robert's "unit tests use progress bars" branch,  
but I suspect it will apply cleanly to any branch that's recently  
merged jam-integration.


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