Bug: bzr log --long --short --line

Denys Duchier duchier at ps.uni-sb.de
Sat Feb 11 19:19:46 GMT 2006

John A Meinel <john at arbash-meinel.com> writes:

> We should switch to optparse and use:
> p.add_option('--line', dest='log_format', action='store_const',
> 	const='line', help='display the log message on a single line')

exactly what I was thinking.

> I'm starting to agree with Denys that we should switch to optparse with
> double parsing the line. And just require that "--no-plugins" and
> "--builtins" come before the command, since they effect what commands
> will be available.

if this gets a general ok, then I'd be happy to pick up the work I started in
that direction.


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