Versioned metadata

Martin Pool mbp at
Sat Feb 11 02:03:16 GMT 2006

On 10 Feb 2006, Jan Hudec <bulb at> wrote:

> > That sounds OK - but what will happen if there is a conflict?  Should we
> > ask the user to resolve them?  Ideally there would be some way for the
> > code managing the property to intervene.
> That's why I said above the property will have a method to merge itself.
> There will be some base implementation, but each property needs to amend it
> with appropriate conflict handling.

Yes, I agree having special handlers would be good.  How do you imagine
the UI should look for a conflict in the ignore list in particular, say?

> Well, I am thinking about this:
> For user, they look like whole-path globs from root. However internaly
> a prefix which does not contain globs and names an inventory entry would be
> replaced by that entry id. So that prefix would get replaced when user
> renames that entry. So the above would be stored as:
> id-of-the-arch-entry:*/*.lo
> which the user would never see, but when he renames arch to something, the
> glob automagically renames too.

And all of this would be in a property on the root directory?

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