Weave.join(), and pr."ogress indicator fixes

Robey Pointer robey at lag.net
Sat Jan 28 20:15:54 GMT 2006

On 27 Jan 2006, at 19:43, John A Meinel wrote:

> John A Meinel wrote:
>> I fixed the Weave.join() to use the optimized path, along with a  
>> test to
>> make sure texts are unnecessarily extracted.
>> I also fixed the Weave.join() so it doesn't need to reweave if it  
>> comes
>> across another weave with parents re-ordered, or with repeat parents.
>> While I was there, I fixed up the progress indication so that it  
>> doesn't
>> report all of those 0/1 messages. And I added a progress indicator so
>> that the expensive inventory join shows more than just 0/1 for a  
>> long time.
>> (Also, by doing the pb.update after the optimized path, we don't get
>> many progress dots on non tty).
>> The branch is available here:
>> http://bzr.arbash-meinel.com/branches/bzr/fix-weave-join
>> There are only 2 patches, the first one fixes the optimized code path
>> and adds the tests. The second updates the progress bars.
>> Can I get a review?
>> John
>> =:->
> It's been 2 days, and nobody has said anything. Can somebody look it
> over? (My http logs say somebody at least pulled the branch).
> I'm pretty sure it is correct, so if nobody says anything, I'll  
> merge it
> into jam-integration sometime early next week. (I'll wait until at  
> least
> Monday.)

That was probably me, but I was being over-ambitious.  I don't  
understand the weave code enough to vote on it.  A few comments though:

* I caught the progress bar saying "merge weave merge" at one point.   
It isn't part of your patch, but sometime that should probably be  
changed to a meaningful phrase.

* There's still a long pause between the last progress bar and "All  
changes applied successfully."  I don't know why, maybe just my slow  

* You no longer need the [brackets] in this line in python 2.4:
     n1 = set([self._names[i] for i in self_parents])

It did a lot better at showing status during the merge though, so I'm  
+1 on the concept, even if I can't really judge the weave fix.


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