[ANN] ezbzr 0.2

John A Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Thu Jan 26 14:00:24 GMT 2006

Robey Pointer wrote:
> On 25 Jan 2006, at 11:01, John A Meinel wrote:
>> Robey Pointer wrote:
>>> On 25 Jan 2006, at 6:20, Nathaniel McCallum wrote:
>>>> iam
>>>>         Sets the commiter’s ID without editing files
>>> You can actually already do this with 'bzr whoami <name>'... although...
>>> that appears to have never made it to bzr.dev.
>>> I think it was dependent on the jam-encoding stuff, so that may just not
>>> have gotten in yet.  Or, let's face it, there's a very high probability
>>> it just got dropped and lost.
>>> robey
>> If it depended on my encoding work, then it certainly hasn't made it in
>> yet. But I don't remember a specific branch with this fix. If it exists,
>> then yes, it got dropped.
>> If it is against my encoding branch, I'll look it over and pull it in.
> The patch was against jam-integration, but it needed to fix a couple of
> encoding issues (otherwise non-ascii identities wouldn't work, and
> couldn't be tested) which I think you said would go away once your
> encoding branch was merged.  I guess that probably caused the patch to
> drop into limbo.
> I can build it against bzr.dev if there's interest, but the encoding
> issues will still exist and will still need to be taken care of, either
> as part of the patch or before.
> How ready is your encoding branch?  Need a review? :)
> robey

If you want to review its current state, I would be very happy. I just
want to make sure I'm not going off on a tangent that people won't like.

It isn't complete. It was 50-75% done on updating the commands, when I
ran into the bzrignore problem (we weren't reading .bzrignore as utf-8,
though I thought fnmatch just wasn't handling unicode characters). And
then I ran into the problem that on Mac OSX it normalizes filenames.

So if I'm dealing with all of that, I'm maybe 40% done. But it would be
nice to have someone give feedback about the design itself.


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