storage branch - remaining issues?

Robert Collins robertc at
Thu Jan 19 22:04:01 GMT 2006

On Thu, 2006-01-19 at 10:53 -0600, John A Meinel wrote:

> Other than having the logic about how to decode a string (whether it is
> a url, or a path) in another place, which then needs to be used
> everywhere we might get a path.
> For example, I don't think '.' is a valid url. Which means if we want
> urls everywhere, then 'Branch.open_containing()' shouldn't be passed '.'.

As Denys says, '.' is valid, as is '..' and 'foo%14'. u'foo\x14' is not
a valid URL though.

They are valid because we have an absolute URL we can interpret them
with respect to - the os's current working directory converted to a URL.

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