[rfc] Windows symlink support
Jari Aalto
jari.aalto at cante.net
Mon Jan 16 19:20:41 GMT 2006
Jamie Wilkinson <jaq at spacepants.org> writes:
> Both these use cases are more easily solved using management agents like
> puppet or cfengine; pushing symlinks out from your RCS is a terrible way to
> handle this. Usually one requires a tool run after the RCS push to modify
> the final layout. In such a case I've found it best to let this tool do the
> linking itself, and leave the symlinks out of revision control.
>>Some people version $HOME, which I have started playing around with.
>>Mostly because I have 10 different machines I work on, at various sites
>>(home, work, laptop, school, etc), where doing an NFS mounted home
>>directory is not possible (kind of hard to do on an airplane), but it
>>also sucks to try and keep my ~/.vimrc .vim/* in sync.
People, CVS has been there for ages to keep separate hosts and 10
different user identities (root, cvsadm, wwwadm, $USER) well on synch
:-) It has been ideal for star-like system, where all hosts share the
same configuration (even if they are on different OS, you can still
separate "common" from site-specific).
Host 3 Host 4
\ /
Host 2 - o - Host 5
/ \
Host 1 Host ...
Make change, check in, move to another site and just do
cvs up
With appropriate ssh setup, this can be automated:
ssh login at example.com "cd that-dir; cvs up"
Personally I have found this to be best working for HOME directories
with different identities (root, cvsadm, $USER ...), hosts and
Operating Systems (HP-UX, SunOs, Linux, Cygwin):
$HOME/vc Keep all version control files under this
* Can be excluded from backup.
* Files that you want to preserve.
You can selectively check out the pieces that you need
under this directory from master repository.
Example: dot-files
Every directory contains a "Makefile" or makefile.sh that will
populate the needed directory(ies). For examples for VI/Emacs,
symlinks must be drawn to DOT-files from site specific VC
directory to $HOME
1) common settings for all hosts
cd $HOME/vc/my/shell/rc/common
2) Overwrite with site specific needs (and possibly more files)
cd $HOME/vc/my/shell/rc/$(hostname)
Now there will appear ~/.vimrc, ~/.emacsrc, ~/.muttrc ...
Example: shell startup
1) common settings for all hosts
cd $HOME/vc/my/shell/bash/rc/common
2) Overwrite with site specific needs (and possibly more files)
cd $HOME/vc/my/shell/bash/rc/$(hostname)
Now there appears ~/.bashrc, ~/.bashrc_logout ... and some
libraries that are put under $HOME/var/link/bash and "sourced" by
the host-specific bash settings. They provide aliases, functions,
Example: programs
I use toplevel $HOME/var for "permanent" files so that it
is easy enought to make a backup for everything.
Same as previously drill, but the files are symlinked to one
common directory
cd $HOME/vc/my/shell/bin/common
cd $HOME/vc/my/shell/bin/admin
cd $HOME/vc/my/shell/bin/$(hostname)
Sympliks are in place, so PATH setting only contains in
export PATH=$HOME/var/bin:$PATH
Now, when bzr gets central repository concept, this will all be even
more fun.
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