Updated tags support

John A Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Tue Dec 27 23:20:05 GMT 2005

Gustavo Niemeyer wrote:
> Hey John,
>> Thanks for keeping this up to date.
> You're welcome.
> [...]
>> So at best, the uncommitted pending-actions stuff would be part of
>> WorkingTree, but the actual stored tags should be in the repository.
> "in the Branch", I assume. That's exactly what was done.

Well, in the future we are splitting up what exists underneath .bzr/ So
we are going with something like:

So .bzr/checkout contains stuff that pertains to the current working
tree. (so .bzr/inventory would become .bzr/checkout/inventory, etc).
Then branch specific stuff would be moved into .bzr/branch (so probably
.bzr/branch-name would become .bzr/branch/name, and maybe
.bzr/revision-history => .bzr/branch/revision-history).
And finally, the texts, etc would move into .bzr/repository/, so you
would have .bzr/repository/weaves/aa/bzr-foo.weave

The question becomes whether tags are a Repository item, or a Branch
item. The idea is that in a shared context, where more than one branch
shares the repository contents, are tags branch local, or are they shared.
In your system, the current state of tags is set of lines referenced by
revision id. Which means that the tags file could be shared between
branches. Hence, in the repository.

In the short term, yes "in the Branch" is correct. I would like to open
it up for discussion whether tags are branch local, or could be
considered shared between branches.


>> Also, you need to create a more complete test case. I was able to
>> break it with:
> Patches are welcome, as always. ;-)
>> $ ./bzr set-tag -r -1 previous
>> $ ./bzr set-tag -r before:tag:previous something-earlier
>> bzr: ERROR: exceptions.AttributeError: 'BzrBranch' object has no
>> attribute 'get_tags'
> Fixed.
>> And then when I tried to commit, I got:
>> $ ./bzr commit -m "Adding some tags"
>> bzr: ERROR: Revision
>> {gustavo at niemeyer.net-20051223003244-a442517770a310da} not present in
>> Weave('tags')
> I can't reproduce that problem.  Can you create a test case (script,
> whatever) that explores it?

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