[patch] encodings again

Alexander Belchenko bialix at ukr.net
Mon Dec 26 15:08:00 GMT 2005

John A Meinel пишет:
> Do you have a branch where you make these changes, or do you just prefer 
> to post them as patches?

I prefer to submit patches because I have the problems to publish my
bzr.dev branches due to big size of repository.

> Anyway, have you looked into writing tests, or making the changes that 
> Robert suggested? I might take some time to look into this.

I try to write some tests but face up with problem in test subsytem
itself. I attach new test for log command (place them into
bzrlib/tests/blackbox/). But this test fails because of problems in
.run_bzr_captured() method. Problem with non-ascii letters and mutter.

Here traceback:

Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "D:\user\python\bzr\bzr.dev\bzrlib\tests\blackbox\test_log.py",
line 55, in test_stdout_encoding
      stdout, stderr = self.run_bzr_captured(["--no-plugins", "log"])
    File "D:\user\python\bzr\bzr.dev\bzrlib\tests\__init__.py", line 411,
in run_bzr_captured
      self.log('output:\n%s', out)
    File "D:\user\python\bzr\bzr.dev\bzrlib\tests\__init__.py", line 359,
in log
    File "D:\user\python\bzr\bzr.dev\bzrlib\trace.py", line 97, in mutter
    File "C:\Python24\lib\codecs.py", line 178, in write
      data, consumed = self.encode(object, self.errors)
UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xd2 in position
181: ordinal not in range(128)

It seems that mutter should never fail as you write in your "Encodings
woes" mail lately.

Any hints?


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