sftp oddities

Aaron Bentley aaron.bentley at utoronto.ca
Tue Dec 20 17:01:03 GMT 2005

Hash: SHA1

Johan Rydberg wrote:
> Has there been any discussion about what should be put in the
> repository and what should reside in the branch?  

Some, but we can always have more :-)

> For unrelated branches residing in the same repository the inventory
> file will contain a lot of versions that is of no interest to some of
> the branches.  
> As I see it, there are two solutions to this, both simple: Either the
> inventory and other control files are put under /branch/, or we tell
> the end-users that if they have unrelated branches in the same
> repository they got no one but them selves to blame if performance
> is degrading.

I don't think either solution is very nice.  I think we'd rather take
advantage of all shared data for related branches, and differentiate
between related and unrelated branches.

What we discussed at UBZ was to assign an inventory ID to the tree root,
and then have a separate inventory weave for each tree root.  I don't
think we discussed using that differentiation for revisions, because at
the time, revisions were always stored as flat files.

Perhaps we're merely using the tree root ID as a project ID, and that
could become more pervasive.

> This is more of an issue for knits, where there are more shared
> control files than just the inventory.

Could you elaborate?

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