[FEATURE REQ] bzr ls --conflicts (Was Re: merge vs pull

Jari Aalto jari.aalto at cante.net
Wed Nov 30 15:10:46 GMT 2005

John Arbash Meinel <john at arbash-meinel.com> writes:

| You can also always use: bzr conflicts
| To see what files are conflicted.

Can we please have these kind of commands under 'ls'. It would be more
logical to group all "list" commands under one:

    bzr ls [--type-of-information-needed]

People can then simply:

    bzr help ls

to see what information they want to display. I would even like to see:

    bzr inventory => bzr ls --inventory

for completeness and not a separate command. This is just more
information that is displayed.


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