basic_io format merged

Martin Pool mbp at
Fri Nov 25 06:59:17 GMT 2005

On 24 Nov 2005, Alexey Shamrin <shamrin at> wrote:

> How about using something "bzr log"-like (your example from
> revision: "mbp at"
> timestamp: 1130653962
> timezone: 36000
> committer: "Martin Pool <mbp at>"
> It's readable with *both* fixed and proportional font settings.

A fair point.

> By the way, why do you need quotation marks?

We want some way to have multi-line values, e.g. for commit messages.
One way is to change the newlines to e.g. \n, but that's probably less
readable.  In an rfc-822-like format, it could make more sense to omit
the quotes and change it into 

message: some message
 another line
 and more
 and a blank

where a line with no whitespace at all terminates the paragraph.

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