basic_io format merged

Alexey Shamrin shamrin at
Thu Nov 24 14:59:43 GMT 2005

On 24/11/05, Martin Pool <mbp at> wrote:
> I've just merged my basic_io branch into, which implements a
> simple textual metaformat used by monotone.  I think this would be good
> for holding structured data that needs to be human-readable or
> byte-for-byte reproducible.  Nothing is converted to use it at the
> moment but I'd like to suggest we use it for changesets, revisions,
> inventories, and machine-readable output.

Also, the format of basic_io is nicely readable only when one uses a
fixed-width font. With proportional font it's rather ugly. There are
significant mail clients that use proportional font now. Prime example
is GMail, which doesn't have an option to switch to fixed font (as far
as I know).

How about using something "bzr log"-like (your example from

revision: "mbp at"
timestamp: 1130653962
timezone: 36000
committer: "Martin Pool <mbp at>"

It's readable with *both* fixed and proportional font settings.

By the way, why do you need quotation marks?


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