What we did at UBZ

Matthew Hannigan mlh at zip.com.au
Thu Nov 17 00:14:27 GMT 2005

On Wed, Nov 16, 2005 at 08:32:48PM +0100, Jan Hudec wrote:
> That's not the reason for creation of the patched Subversion though.
> I believe it was something about Visual Studio, though I am not sure about
> the exact problem the .-files cause it.

The answer is on the tortoisesvn download page:

	"Special version for Win2k/XP or higher: (We
	provide NO support for this!) uses _svn folders
	instead of .svn to work around the VS.NET bug with
	web projects. If you don't use web projects then
	please use the official version. Note: working
	copies created by this version are incompatible
	with other Subversion clients!"

FWIW, I like _bzr.  It's enough to say "I'm special!";
it's going overboard to make it hidden.

(I always wonder why the linux kernel config file is a
dotfile; it doesn't make any sense to me.)


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