"assertion failed" when pulling from bzr.dev

John A Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Wed Nov 16 14:07:31 GMT 2005

Alexey Shamrin wrote:
> Hello!
> I tried to "bzr pull" a new version of bzr.dev, but I failed:

Well, I see why the assertion failed. It asserts "os.sep", which isn't
always used.
At some point we'll be cleaning things up so that internally everything
uses a forward slash (and we convert for windows users as necessary).

Thanks for the bug report. For the quick fix, you can just remove the
assertion, it is asserting the wrong thing.


> c:\work\prog\bzr\bzr.dev>bzr pull --remember --overwrite http://bazaar-ng.org/bz
> r/bzr.dev
> bzr: ERROR: assertion failed: path is ./bzrlib\selftest\testtrace.py
>   command: 'c:\\soft\\python\\scripts\\bzr' 'pull' '--remember' '--overwrite' 'h
> ttp://bazaar-ng.org/bzr/bzr.dev'
>       pwd: u'c:\\work\\prog\\bzr\\bzr.dev'
>     error: exceptions.AssertionError
>   at c:\work\prog\bzr\bzr.my\bzrlib\merge.py line 522, in do_merge()
>   see ~/.bzr.log for debug information
> Log
> ===
> [ 1000] Wed 15:10:35.565 ERROR: assertion failed: path is
> ./bzrlib\selftest\testtrace.py
>   command: 'c:\\soft\\python\\scripts\\bzr' 'pull' '--remember'
> '--overwrite' 'http://bazaar-ng.org/bzr/bzr.dev'
>       pwd: u'c:\\work\\prog\\bzr\\bzr.dev'
>     error: exceptions.AssertionError
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "c:\work\prog\bzr\bzr.my\bzrlib\commands.py", line 531, in
> run_bzr_catch_errors
>     return run_bzr(argv)
>   File "c:\work\prog\bzr\bzr.my\bzrlib\commands.py", line 506, in run_bzr
>     ret = cmd_obj.run_argv(argv)
>   File "c:\work\prog\bzr\bzr.my\bzrlib\commands.py", line 225, in run_argv
>     return self.run(**all_cmd_args)
>   File "c:\work\prog\bzr\bzr.my\bzrlib\builtins.py", line 384, in run
>     br_to.working_tree().pull(br_from, overwrite)
>   File "c:\work\prog\bzr\bzr.my\bzrlib\branch.py", line 90, in decorated
>     return unbound(self, *args, **kwargs)
>   File "c:\work\prog\bzr\bzr.my\bzrlib\workingtree.py", line 353, in pull
>     self.branch.revision_tree(other_revision))
>   File "c:\work\prog\bzr\bzr.my\bzrlib\merge.py", line 351, in merge_inner
>     return merger.do_merge()
>   File "c:\work\prog\bzr\bzr.my\bzrlib\merge.py", line 522, in do_merge
>     assert path.startswith('.' + os.sep), "path is %s" % path
> AssertionError: path is ./bzrlib\selftest\testtrace.py
> --
> Alexey

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