Merging does not "sync the patch-logs"

Robert Widhopf-Fenk hack at
Fri Oct 21 23:56:48 BST 2005

Just played a bit with bzr and noticed something I do not

After merging changes from the trunk to a branch the
revision is still missing while the change is there.

# cut & paste this to your shell
mkdir trunk
cd trunk
echo a > a.txt
bzr init
bzr add a.txt
bzr commit -m "t1"
bzr branch . ../branch
echo b >> a.txt
bzr commit -m "t2"
cd ../branch
bzr missing ../trunk
bzr merge ../trunk
bzr status 
bzr commit -m "b1"
bzr missing ../trunk
echo now why is rev 2 still missing\?
bzr merge ../trunk
bzr status 
bzr commit -m "b2"

# my output 
~/tmp/test > mkdir trunk
~/tmp/test > cd trunk
~/<1>test/trunk > echo a > a.txt
~/<1>test/trunk > bzr init
~/<1>test/trunk > bzr add a.txt
added a.txt
~/<1>test/trunk > bzr commit -m "t1"
~/<1>test/trunk > bzr branch . ../branch
~/<1>test/trunk > echo b >> a.txt
~/<1>test/trunk > bzr commit -m "t2"
~/<1>test/trunk > cd ../branch
~/<1>test/branch > bzr missing ../trunk
Missing 1 revisions

revno: 2
committer: Robert Widhopf <fenk at matilda>
timestamp: Sat 2005-10-22 00:48:08 +0200
~/<1>test/branch > bzr merge ../trunk
0 conflicts encountered.

~/<1>test/branch > bzr status
pending merges:
  Robert Widhopf 2005-10-22 t2
~/<1>test/branch > bzr commit -m "b1"
~/<1>test/branch > bzr missing ../trunk
Trees have diverged
Missing 1 revisions

revno: 2
committer: Robert Widhopf <fenk at matilda>
timestamp: Sat 2005-10-22 00:48:08 +0200
~/<1>test/branch > echo now why is rev 2 still missing\?
now why is rev 2 still missing?
~/<1>test/branch > bzr merge ../trunk
0 conflicts encountered.

~/<1>test/branch > bzr status
pending merges:
  Robert Widhopf 2005-10-22 t2
~/<1>test/branch > bzr commit -m "b2"
~/<1>test/branch > bzr version
bzr (bazaar-ng) 0.6pre
  (bzr checkout, revision 1326 {mbp at})
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