[PATCH] Specifying revisions (.. Vs :)

Matthieu Moy Matthieu.Moy at imag.fr
Thu Oct 13 17:06:58 BST 2005


If my memory's good, the official syntax is to specify revision range
is -r x..y, and -r y:z is obsolete.

This patch fixes the documentation for "bzr log"

=== modified file 'bzrlib/builtins.py'
--- bzrlib/builtins.py
+++ bzrlib/builtins.py
@@ -689,8 +689,8 @@
 class cmd_log(Command):
     """Show log of this branch.
-    To request a range of logs, you can use the command -r begin:end
-    -r revision requests a specific revision, -r :end or -r begin: are
+    To request a range of logs, you can use the command -r begin..end
+    -r revision requests a specific revision, -r ..end or -r begin.. are
     also valid.
     --message allows you to give a regular expression, which will be evaluated


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