[Fwd: Re: bazaar.conf - decisions]

Martin Pool martinpool at gmail.com
Tue Oct 11 05:12:54 BST 2005

On 11/10/05, John A Meinel <john at arbash-meinel.com> wrote:

> If people thing having relative paths default to starting at $HOME, I'm
> okay with that. We can even have it map to whatever the equivalent is
> for My Documents, as I don't know of any better idea. Though I would
> tend to say that relative paths aren't really necessary. We could always
> support expanding ~ (using os.path.expanduser()), which means that you
> could put your path as
> [~/source/blah]
> which is more obvious (IMHO) than just a
> [source/blah]

I think using ~ is much nicer than just having relative paths be
relative to home.


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