FEATURE REQ: Add option --dry-run to 'add'

Jari Aalto jari.aalto at cante.net
Wed Sep 14 17:46:24 BST 2005

Erik Bågfors <zindar at gmail.com> writes:

| 2005/9/14, Jari Aalto <jari.aalto at cante.net>:
| > 
| > Use case:
| > 
| >     You're about to import 200 files with subdirectories
| >     You think, you have configured ./.bzrignore correctly
| >     ... but you have doubts that after 'add' it imports
| >     ... files that you don't want
| > 
| > You stare the prompt:
| > 
| >     $ bzr add *
| > 
| > And you've no courage to press that red-red-hot RETURN key....
| > I wish there were --dry-run option.
| See bzr ignored which will list the files that are ignored.  So you
| can double check before you run add.  Secondly, after you run add (but
| before commit) you can always remove as well...

Not exactly. I mean, I'm not sure that I've listed all the ignore patterns
needed. Something may have slipped past my eyes and only seeing

        added xxxx.gif

Would reveal, "Gosh, I forgot to add *.gif". 

That's why I would like to have --dry-run to see what "would happen" before
I'm satisfied with the ignore patterns. 

It's not easy to notice all details in a project that uses several 
directories and various file formats.


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