FEATURE REQ: group common commands under 'ls' instead of separate commands

Robey Pointer robey at lag.net
Mon Sep 12 18:27:13 BST 2005

On 11 Sep 2005, at 23:17, Jari Aalto wrote:

> It would also be nice to look at the
> "complete picture", just like CVS/SVN does when you try to understand
> what files have chnaged, added, removed, unversioned etc.
>     revno: 2
>     ? unknown.txt
>     A added.txt
>     M modified.txt
>     G merGed            (subversion uses "G")
>     <if it is possible to indicate Moved, Renamed, list those too>

-1 to using cryptic 1-letter abbreviations.  That always irritated me  
in CVS ("Why is this file P and this one U?!") and when I saw, just  
last week, that subversion is using letters *and* column positions to  
convey meaning, as if we were in days of Fortran lore, I think my  
skin literally crawled.  I know I had to reach for the bourbon. :)

We have enough space that if we want to use one-line-one-file output,  
we can use complete words:

unknown unknown.txt
add     added.txt
modify  modified.txt
merge   merGed
rename  oldname.txt
   to    newname.txt


> Now the separate commands scattered inside the manual were not easy to
> find or understand. Especially when the terminology is different from
> CVS/SVN. E.g. what's inventory? (I was used to term "repository").

In bzr, the inventory is the list of files that belong to a specific  
revision in the repository.

I agree that the "inventory" command is more arcane than most users  
will ever require.  I think it should be in the set of script commands.


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