FEATURE REQ: add gloval option -v and --verbose

John A Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Sat Sep 10 20:56:11 BST 2005

Jari Aalto wrote:
> The output of the commands is currently as minimal as possible, which
> is good. But it would be nice if one could ask for more output to see
> the progress and possible reasons for no-output. E.g.
>     $ bzr add this.txt
>     <nothing>
>     "Ahem? Had I already added this file to repository...?"
> In contrast to:
>    $ bzr --verbose add this.txt
>    bzr:  going to add this.txt
>    bzr: nope, it's already versioned
>    $
>    "<lamp shining inside head>. Yes!"
> Similarly for other commands.
> Jari

You might look into the logging code. Since most times you have that
level of verbosity in ~/.bzr.log
Or at the very least, we could look into how we handle logging levels,
and be able to supply command options (possibly global) to change the
visual logging level, and ~/.bzr.log logging level.

By the way, if we are changing the default config directory to
~/.bazaar, shouldn't we also change the log file to ~/.bazaar/log?
Possibly switching to something else if ~/.bazaar does not exist. (So
that you can debug problems with the config directory)


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