FEATURE REQ: group common commands under 'ls' instead of separate commands

Aaron Bentley aaron.bentley at utoronto.ca
Sat Sep 10 20:35:18 BST 2005

Hash: SHA1

Kevin Smith wrote:
> Jan Hudec wrote:
>> There is significant difference between status and inventory, or at
>> least it
>> is in bazaar and I'd suppose bazaar-ng wants to keep it: status prints
>> which
>> files were changed (and added and deleted), while inventory prints which
>> files are versioned (and ignored and unknown).
> Hm. I don't see that big a difference. Both commands seem to me to be
> telling me about individual files in the working tree and in the repo,
> and how their states are different between those two locations.

No, inventory doesn't tell you anything about the repo.  It only tells
you about the state of files in the working tree, i.e. whether they're
versioned, ignored, or unknown.  It doesn't compare the working tree to
the last commit.

Since you can't commit ignored or unknown files, it really wouldn't make
sense to compare with the previous commit.

> I suspect it really boils down to how you feel about having lots of
> commands. Some folks, probably including most folks who used tla, tend
> to like lots of commands. Other folks, like me, prefer fewer.

I like that saying about 'as simple as possible, but no simpler'.  If
status listed the same data as inventory, it would be too long to be
useful.  The two kinds of state are really quite different, and I don't
think it makes the system any simpler try to combine them.

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