Status of Transport work

John A Meinel john at
Sat Sep 10 17:37:09 BST 2005

Lalo Martins wrote:
> And so says John A Meinel on 18/08/05 10:35...
>>So for now, just merge up to revno 960. All the tests pass there. If you
>>want to work on Http pipelining, you can look into my other changes, but
>>I don't know if it is the route you want to go.
> John,
> I tried to merge your 960 into a fresh branch off  It didn't
> stick :-(  your changes overlap much of other recent bzr work, such as
> the fetch module, and Robert's testing framework cleanup.
> After I arduously resolved the stuff I could deal with, I got a bzr that
> *mostly* passes the tests - a few failures still, on blackbox, for it
> seems to have a different idea of what is an ancestor branch - but
> trying to actually use it, popped up some aberrations, like "branch -r"
> not working (probably due to Aaron recently changing how it was supposed
> to work).
> If you have a few hours, could you try to stitch your transport stuff
> into a fresh bzr?  I'm *very* interested in having the transport
> abstraction, it would really simplify the stuff I'm working on.  (And I
> want to use your sftp plugin too :-) )
> best,
>                                                Lalo Martins

Sorry I didn't get back to you until now, I've been on vacation for the
last few weeks. (Technically I still am, but at least I have decent
internet access now).

I will look into getting the Transport stuff working with the latest code. But probably I'll wait until I get a chance to wade
through the other 270 emails I missed, so that I know what is going on
in bzr right now.


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