bzr branch is slow and memory-hungry (just a data point)

Robert Collins robertc at
Wed Sep 7 19:59:04 BST 2005

On Wed, 2005-09-07 at 09:36 -0400, Michael Alan Dorman wrote:
> I'm really not expecting things to be heavily optimized at this
> juncture, but I thought I would report on my experiences with 'bzr
> branch' on a non-trivial project tree I recently converted from cvs
> (where it's got a couple of years worth of history) using tailor.
> ...

> The branch process takes 4.5 minutes, during which the bzr process
> dominates the CPU (not that there's any competition on my laptop) and
> balloons to 425MB.

That sounds like there is a leak of some sort there. By leak I mean
references we dont need being kept around. It would be good to track
that down and fix it.

> I must say, though, I've been looking at bzr for projects that are
> currently using both bazaar and cvs, and it generally looks good in
> both situations.

Glad to hear it.


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