bzr add

William Dode wilk-ml at
Wed Aug 24 10:58:47 BST 2005

On 24-08-2005, Michael Ellerman wrote:


> And so you never need to call 'bzr add directory' directly. Which means if =
> you=20
> *do* run 'bzr add directory' the only useful thing for it to mean is 'add=20
> that directory and all the files under it'.

It's the same with 'rm', when you whant to delete a directory you generaly
want to remove all the files inside. But you still need to specify -r.

I'm agree with your argumentation but like bzr move and rename, we don't
use such a behaviour in an unix environment imho. It's why i also think
it could be better to say bzr add -r or bzr addall or ...

William Dodé -

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