[Fwd: Re: bzr 0.0.5 windows python 2.4.1 "global name 'self' not defined"]

mark brand mark.brand at memerocket.com
Fri Jul 22 02:33:06 BST 2005

hi martin:

log as requested in rar format.


Martin Pool wrote:
> On 22 Jul 2005, mark brand <mark.brand at memerocket.com> wrote:
>>hi martin:
>>thanks for the prompt reply, no worry about finding bugs, it makes life
>>more interesting. re: problem, i applied the file you emailed (lock.py)
>>getting the error below (between ---). sorry i cant fix myself. same
>>process to error, created folder, bzr init, created file a.txt, bzr status.
>>[D:\bin\dev\bzr\bar]python ..\bzr status
>>  a.txt
>>D:\bin\dev\bzr\bzrlib\lock.py:64: UserWarning: lock on <open file
>>'D:\bin\dev\bzr\bar\.bzr\branch-lock', mode 'rb' at 0x
>>00BB4BA8> not released
>>  warn("lock on %r not released" % self.f)
>>Exception bzrlib.errors.LockError: <bzrlib.errors.LockError instance at
>>0x00BE45D0> in <bound method _msvc_ReadLock.__de
>>l__ of <bzrlib.lock._msvc_ReadLock object at 0x00BC6B10>> ignored
> OK, at this point I think we need to see the .bzr.log.
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