First bazaar-ng experience
Uros Trebec
uros.trebec at
Wed Jun 29 17:38:41 BST 2005
> Can you try running just "bzr version" and if that fails, give us a
> snippet from the last portion of ~/.bzr.log?
> The specific problem seems to be that the python code:
> import locale
> user_encoding = locale.getpreferredencoding()
> Is returning None for your preferred encoding. Do you know what your
> actual encoding is?
> What do we thing a default should be if None is returned? latin-1, utf-8?
> Does anyone know how to set the preferred encoding? I know you can try
> setting LC_ALL or LANG, something like
> LC_ALL='en.utf8' bzr version
> John
> =:->
The last advice doesn't work :(
Here is the last few lines in .bzr.log:
[19085] global run_bzr = <function run_bzr at 0x2b57b0>
[19085] argv = ['./bzr', 'version']
[19085] /Users/uros/Downloads/linux/bzr-0.0.5/bzrlib/ in
'./bzr', 'version'])
[19085] 1469 logging and error handling.
[19085] 1470 """
[19085] 1471 argv = [a.decode(bzrlib.user_encoding) for a in argv]
[19085] 1472
[19085] 1473 include_plugins=True
[19085] argv = ['./bzr', 'version']
[19085] a = './bzr'
[19085] a.decode = <built-in method decode of str object at 0x52ba0>
[19085] global bzrlib = <module 'bzrlib' from
[19085] bzrlib.user_encoding = None
[19085] TypeError: decode() argument 1 must be string, not None
[19085] __doc__ = 'Inappropriate argument type.'
[19085] __getitem__ = <bound method TypeError.__getitem__ of
ror instance at 0x2ac0a8>>
[19085] __init__ = <bound method TypeError.__init__ of
<exceptions.TypeError in
stance at 0x2ac0a8>>
[19085] __module__ = 'exceptions'
[19085] __str__ = <bound method TypeError.__str__ of
<exceptions.TypeError inst
ance at 0x2ac0a8>>
[19085] args = ('decode() argument 1 must be string, not None',)
[19085] The above is a description of an error in a Python program. Here is
[19085] the original traceback:
[19085] Traceback (most recent call last):
[19085] File "/Users/uros/Downloads/linux/bzr-0.0.5/bzrlib/",
line 156
5, in main
[19085] return run_bzr(argv)
[19085] File "/Users/uros/Downloads/linux/bzr-0.0.5/bzrlib/",
line 147
1, in run_bzr
[19085] argv = [a.decode(bzrlib.user_encoding) for a in argv]
[19085] TypeError: decode() argument 1 must be string, not None
[19085] finished, 0.450u/0.233s cpu, 0.000u/0.000s cum, 0.250 elapsed
Or you can get the whole file at
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