bazaar-ng 0.0.5 released

Martin Pool mbp at
Wed Jun 15 10:10:50 BST 2005

Thanks to everyone who sent patches, bug reports or suggestions:

bzr-0.0.5  2005-06-15

    * ``bzr`` with no command now shows help rather than giving an
      error.  Suggested by Michael Ellerman.

    * ``bzr status`` output format changed, because svn-style output
      doesn't really match the model of bzr.  Now files are grouped by
      status and can be shown with their IDs.  ``bzr status --all``
      shows all versioned files and unknown files but not ignored files.

    * ``bzr log`` runs from most-recent to least-recent, the reverse
      of the previous order.  The previous behaviour can be obtained
      with the ``--forward`` option.
    * ``bzr inventory`` by default shows only filenames, and also ids
      if ``--show-ids`` is given, in which case the id is the second


    * New 'bzr whoami --email' option shows only the email component
      of the user identification, from Jo Vermeulen.

    * New ``bzr ignore PATTERN`` command.

    * Nicer error message for broken pipe, interrupt and similar
      conditions that don't indicate an internal error.

    * Add ``.*.sw[nop] .git .*.tmp *,v`` to default ignore patterns.

    * Per-branch locks keyed on ``.bzr/branch-lock``, available in
      either read or write mode.

    * New option ``bzr log --show-ids`` shows revision and file ids.

    * New usage ``bzr log FILENAME`` shows only revisions that
      affected that file.

    * Changed format for describing changes in ``bzr log -v``.

    * New option ``bzr commit --file`` to take a message from a file,
      suggested by LarstiQ.

    * New syntax ``bzr status [FILE...]`` contributed by Bartosz
      Oler.  File may be in a branch other than the working directory.

    * ``bzr log`` and ``bzr root`` can be given an http URL instead of
      a filename.

    * Commands can now be defined by external programs or scripts
      in a directory on $BZRPATH.

    * New "stat cache" avoids reading the contents of files if they 
      haven't changed since the previous time.

    * If the Python interpreter is too old, try to find a better one
      or give an error.  Based on a patch from Fredrik Lundh.

    * New optional parameter ``bzr info [BRANCH]``.

    * New form ``bzr commit SELECTED`` to commit only selected files.

    * New form ``bzr log -r FROM:TO`` shows changes in selected
      range; contributed by John A Meinel.

    * New option ``bzr diff --diff-options 'OPTS'`` allows passing
      options through to an external GNU diff.

    * New option ``bzr add --no-recurse`` to add a directory but not
      their contents.

    * ``bzr --version`` now shows more information if bzr is being run
      from a branch.


    * Fixed diff format so that added and removed files will be
      handled properly by patch.  Fix from Lalo Martins.

    * Various fixes for files whose names contain spaces or other


    * Converted black-box test suites from Bourne shell into Python;
      now run using ``./testbzr``.  Various structural improvements to
      the tests.

    * testbzr by default runs the version of bzr found in the same
      directory as the tests, or the one given as the first parameter.

    * testbzr also runs the internal tests, so the only command
      required to check is just ``./testbzr``.

    * testbzr requires python2.4, but can be used to test bzr running
      under a different version.

    * Tests added for many other changes in this release.


    * Included ElementTree library upgraded to 1.2.6 by Fredrik Lundh.

    * Refactor command functions into Command objects based on HCT by
      Scott James Remnant.

    * Better help messages for many commands.

    * Expose bzrlib.open_tracefile() to start the tracefile; until
      this is called trace messages are just discarded.

    * New internal function find_touching_revisions() and hidden
      command touching-revisions trace the changes to a given file.

    * Simpler and faster compare_inventories() function.

    * bzrlib.open_tracefile() takes a tracefilename parameter.

    * New AtomicFile class.

    * New developer commands ``added``, ``modified``.


    * Cope on Windows on python2.3 by using the weaker random seed.
      2.4 is now only recommended.

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