Centralized storage in bzr

Erik Bågfors zindar at gmail.com
Tue Jun 14 10:17:44 BST 2005

> > > One of the things that makes darcs and rcs so easy to use is that you
> > > don't have to setup a repo and get the perms right and so on.
> >
> > Hmm.  Possible misperception here.  The main purpose was to permit one
> > hacker to store all his branch data in one place.  So for most uses,
> > it's quite difficult to get the perms wrong.  This storage could be
> > shared by multiple users, but that wasn't the driving purpose.
> Ok sure. But if one hacker can share then why not two? So I think you need to
> support that too. I was just thinking of CVS days, where wrong perms in the
> repo can be a pain.

I hope to move my company over to bzr sometime in the future (because
it's soooo much nicer than cvs/svn :) ) and a shared central store is
a must for that.


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