Tutorial error

Eric Sandall eric at sandall.us
Sat Jun 11 17:04:38 BST 2005

Quoting Roncaglia Julien <bazaar-ng at virtualblackfox.net>:
>> This also doesn't work on win32 as echo actually puts the quotes into
>> the file.  I'd recommend a better command but as far as I know
>> there is no way to echo a stirng with a greater-than into a file that
>> won't put quotes around it.  So maybe the tutorial should just recommend
>> that you use notepad or something on win32.
> Why not a bzr command to set options ?

That'd be fairly nice.

$ bzr edit-config <config> <text>
$ bzr edit-config email Eric Sandall <eric at sandall.us>

Though if any of the config files (I just started looking at bzr, so I'm
not too familiar with it yet ;)) have multiple variables to set this can
get fun.


Eric Sandall                        |  Source Mage GNU/Linux Developer
eric at sandall.us PGP: 0xA8EFDD61  |  http://www.sourcemage.org/
http://eric.sandall.us/             |  SysAdmin @ Inst. Shock Physics @
http://counter.li.org/  #196285     |  http://www.shock.wsu.edu/

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