How is Bazaar-NG related to Bazaar and Arch in general?

Martin Pool mbp at
Sat Jun 4 03:04:44 BST 2005

On  1 Jun 2005, Nicholas Nethercote <njn at> wrote:
> I think Bazaar-NG is a bad name.  The fact that this thread exists is a 
> testament to that.
> Names are important.  If you have to explain to every newcomer the 
> difference between your project and another one which has an 
> almost-identical name but really is quite different, you have a clear 
> problem.  The fact that the command line names are "baz" and "bzr" makes 
> things even more confusing.
> I'd suggest changing the name while the project is still young.  It worked 
> for Firefox.

I agree the names cause some confusion.

The situation is similar (though not equal) to Firefox in another way:
Firefox started out as a project to massively simplify and reduce
Mozilla.  For a while they ran in parallel, though now it seems that
Firefox has largely superseded the Mozilla suite.

I think Mark wants to keep the project names similar as a reminder to
us that we're working together and they do eventually need to merge.
It's his call.


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