How is Bazaar-NG related to Bazaar and Arch in general?

John A Meinel john at
Wed Jun 1 14:39:34 BST 2005

hugues wrote:

>>>>>>"Sean" == Sean Russell <ser-bazaar at> writes:
>    Sean> On Wednesday 01 June 2005 04:39, Shlomi Fish wrote:
>    >> I am Shlomi Fish the creator and maintainer of the Better-SCM site:
>    Sean> Thanks for that, by the way.
>    >> Bazaar is present there. Due to its name I assumed Bazaar-NG was also an
>    >> implementation of the Arch architecture, and also present there, but I was
>    >> told this is not the case. My question is: how is Bazaar-NG related to
>    >> Bazaar? (except for its name) Do its developers also seek to make it an
>    >> implementation of the Arch architecture?
>    >>
>    >> If it does not share a similar architecture with Bazaar, why is it called
>    >> "Bazaar-NG"?
>    Sean> Bazaar-NG shares none of the code base, is not written in the same language,
>    Sean> and does not work with Arch repositories, so I'd argue that it not labeled an
>    Sean> Arch derivative.  Bazaar is a fork of Arch; Bazaar-NG is not.
>    Sean> I suspect that the only thing Bazaar-NG has in common with Bazaar (and,
>    Sean> therefore, Arch) is that it is being developed by the same people, and they
>    Sean> chose a similar name.  I'm guessing that the developers of Bazaar originally
>    Sean> forked Arch to add some functionality, and then came to the conclusion that
>    Sean> it needed a fresh rewrite in a higher-level language to remove many of the
>    Sean> architectural limitations of Arch.  So they started Bazaar-NG.
>Does that mean that development on Bazaar is now stalled, with all
>manpower invested in Bazaar-NG ?
Actually, it's more that they are trying to grow the two together.
Bazaar-NG is trying to develop something new, and Bazaar is trying to
grow the Arch codebase to encompass it. People (such as myself) are
working on both ends.

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