How is Bazaar-NG related to Bazaar and Arch in general?

Sean Russell ser-bazaar at
Wed Jun 1 13:17:27 BST 2005

On Wednesday 01 June 2005 04:39, Shlomi Fish wrote:
> I am Shlomi Fish the creator and maintainer of the Better-SCM site:

Thanks for that, by the way.

> Bazaar is present there. Due to its name I assumed Bazaar-NG was also an
> implementation of the Arch architecture, and also present there, but I was
> told this is not the case. My question is: how is Bazaar-NG related to
> Bazaar? (except for its name) Do its developers also seek to make it an
> implementation of the Arch architecture?
> If it does not share a similar architecture with Bazaar, why is it called
> "Bazaar-NG"?

Bazaar-NG shares none of the code base, is not written in the same language, 
and does not work with Arch repositories, so I'd argue that it not labeled an 
Arch derivative.  Bazaar is a fork of Arch; Bazaar-NG is not.  

I suspect that the only thing Bazaar-NG has in common with Bazaar (and, 
therefore, Arch) is that it is being developed by the same people, and they 
chose a similar name.  I'm guessing that the developers of Bazaar originally 
forked Arch to add some functionality, and then came to the conclusion that 
it needed a fresh rewrite in a higher-level language to remove many of the 
architectural limitations of Arch.  So they started Bazaar-NG.

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