Announce: bzrtools-44

Robert Collins robertc at
Thu May 26 15:41:43 BST 2005

On Thu, 2005-05-26 at 09:23 -0400, Aaron Bentley wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> John A Meinel wrote:

> | Also, it has difficulties if you don't have the complete ancestry of the
> | branch registered. I'm thinking to catch the exception, and then
> | continuing. Is that a reasonable thing to do, or do you want baz2bzr to
> | only include complete histories?
> Right now, I'm trying to convert the Arch branch as faithfully as
> possible.  I think it would be misleading for there to be a different
> number of revisions in the bzr branch.  I would be okay with an optional
> start-from-here parameter-- would that suit you?

It should be possible to represent the partial history - though I don't
know if the original history horizon stuff we discussed in London is
still in the bzr design. Even if it isn't listing the last known
ancestory as the first one should allow automated matchups later.


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